Tuesday, August 31, 2010

16 weeks!!!

On Tuesday, I had my 16 week doctor appointment [a couple days early]! I gained 3lbs [yikes!], which is pretty good because at this stage, you're suppose to gain a pound a week. I'll probably have my big weight gain this month coming up [like I did with Kylie] so can't wait to get weighed at 20 weeks! NOT! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat and it was in the 140's and the doctor was able to find it right away, she put the doppler right on the baby! At this appointment, I had to get blood drawn that is used for a Triple Screening Test, which looks for down syndrome or other chromosome abnormalities . The test results should come back in a week but the doctor told me "no news is good news" so let's pray that's the case!

My next appointment is on Wednesday, September 29th @ 9:30am and I'll be 20 weeks. I'll have a routine ultrasound done first then have my appointment with the doctor.

Here is my baby bump at 16 weeks...


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