Wednesday, August 4, 2010

12 weeks!!!

So I'm officially 12 weeks and almost out of the 1st trimester!!! With some medicine I take every other night it has seriously helped with nauseau and I am feeling better. I hope to stop taking it by next week. And oddly enough, I am always hungry! I also get very tired and hoping my energy will come back soon. I really need it back to keep up with Miss Kylie!

I had my 12 week doctor appointment yesterday. It was pretty uneventful and went real quick. I did loose 4lbs since my last appointment 4 weeks ago, which is shocking because I can barely button my pants! The doctor used the Doppler device to listen to the baby's heartbeat. It took her a little while to find it since the baby is still pretty small but she finally found it. The baby's heartbeat was a little faster this time going 150-160 bpm. So that's about it!

My next appointment is Tuesday, August 31st at 8:45am.

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