Thursday, August 26, 2010

Marty's last day! =(

Sadly, today is Marty's last day with us. Next week, she is starting at her school full-time. It's hard to believe that I've been watching her for TWO YEARS! I remember when I first started watching her she had just turned 1 and was barely walking! It was so neat watching her and Kylie grow together over the last two years. They have become such good friends [even though they didn't always get along] and I think they will really miss each other! On days, Marty didn't come over Kylie would ask about Marty and Marty's parents have told me she has done the same thing about Kylie.

I got a sweet card from Marty and her parents this morning, just saying Marty is going to miss us and thanking me for everything. I made a photo album for Marty that has pictures from when I started watching her up til now. It's so funny to see pictures from back then and when Kylie had NO hair [she's come a long way! Haha]! I also made Kylie one too with the same pictures, just for them to have to look back on to remember those times together! :)

Today we went to Ocean Breeze! We haven't gone there all summer with Marty so I wanted to take her there since it was her last day! Well Marty didn't really enjoy herself as much as I had hoped so I was kinda bummed out.



She did do a couple of things!




break time!

We are definitely going to miss Marty coming over to play with us! But we hope she enjoys her new school and we'll definitely be keeping in touch! Marty is also doing soccer and her dad is her coach so I'm sure we'll see her on game days.

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