Thursday, November 12, 2009


Just a quick update, on the Potty Queen! For the last couple days, she has pretty much wore big girl undies at home. The first day as I already posted was not so good. But since then she has done really well with little to no accidents! When we leave the house, she puts on a pull-up and then her big girl undies on over that! This morning, she put on her big girl undies before she had gone on the potty since she woke up. I kept asking her if she had to go potty and she kept telling me no. Then finally, she wanted to go so we got her on the potty and she went poop & pee-pee! Since she's wearing undies, I don't put her in pants, less laundry and then I can really see if she has an accident. Also, while she is sleeping she wears a diaper because she is still peeing a lot while sleeping.

Since we are going on a 16 hour road trip in just 5 days Kylie will be wearing a pull-up and will just use the potty when we stop. I hope this doesn't mess her up any but we would never get to IL if we had to stop every hour!

Starting yesterday, the Hampton Roads area has been experiencing a Nor' Easter, and if you aren't from this area you probably have no idea what that is. Pretty much, it's a mini Hurricane with heavy winds and rain and flooding in low line areas. Most schools were cancelled today. Hopefully it'll be a little better tomorrow as we have lunch plans with Mom and it's also Haylee's 1st birthday!!!!!!

If you haven't heard..... Jacob was offered Area Manager in Elizabeth City, Outer Banks, Moyock, and South Mills [where Mom & Dad live] and he accepted! He starts December 1st. The drive is pretty far but only about an hour there and then an hour back home. It's not that far from Mom & Dad's house so he can take the back way and hit less traffic. As a salesman, he drives around all day whereas a Area Manager he will mostly work in the office so he won't be driving as much and there will be no pressure to sell. I'm hoping he won't be getting home til late since there is still quite a drive but we'll see how it goes.

Congrats on your promotion Jacob!!!!!

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