Monday, November 2, 2009

Big Girl Potty!

Last week Kylie went pee-pee for the 1st time on the big potty! And since then has been doing pretty good! It's not really anything consistent yet but we are getting there! She has gone pee-pee on the potty at least once a day since she did it the 1st time! I went ahead and got her pull-ups and she only gets to wear them if she goes pee-pee on the potty, if not she has to wear a diaper. So that is good motivation for her! This morning, after she woke up she said she wanted to go on the potty and she sat on it for just a few seconds before she went pee-pee! And then she went again 2 more times before we left for school! I told her teachers at school that she's wearing a pull-up and that if she goes on the potty, she can continue to wear her pull-up but if she doesn't then she has to wear a diaper, just like at home. When I got to school, I asked Kylie if she went pee-pee on the potty and the teacher said she tried. So when we got in the car, I asked her why didn't she pee-pee at church [school], and she said she would "pee-pee at home". Since she's been home from school, she has pee-pee 3 more times, each time just a little!

Also, I've started a potty chart for her and each time she goes pee-pee or poop on the potty she gets to put a sticker on her potty chart and then at the end of the week she gets to take it down and keep it! I'll try to post her potty chart at the end of the week so you can see her progress and hard work!

Here is her potty chart so far [minus a couple].....


Such a big girl!

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