Saturday, November 7, 2009

the darnest things.....

Kylie says the cutest things sometimes! When I ask her "what's your name?", she says "KyKy Payne" and then I say "what's your whole [probably should say full instead] name?", she says "Sarah Kylie Payne"!!! Not sure where she got that from because I probably say "Kylie Sarah!" about twenty times a day!

Also the other day I told her "Love you Kylie" and she said back to me "Love you Kimberly"!!!! She has called Jacob by his name plenty of times before and he has even tried to get her to call me by my name but she usually says Mommy. But this was the first time she had actually called me by my name and I was a little shocked she said it! Haha But it's still cute.

She is still talking about the Sesame Street Show and even told Grandma all about it today in the car on the way to the mall. Grandma said she has never heard her talk so much! Just recently, she has gotten very defiant and anytime I yell at her, she yells back at me. Or if I spank her butt, she tells me "DON'T SPANK ME!" or she'll try to spank me and says "I'm going to spank your butt!"- not sure where she gets that from! She is definitely something else!

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