Wednesday, November 4, 2009

potty update!

Kylie has been doing SO good going pee-pee on the potty! Yesterday morning, she even told me she had to poop so we ran to the bathroom and she went right away in the potty!!!! She usually tells me she has to go and I only have to ask her if it has been a while. She usually goes at least once an hour, sometimes more. We even tried big girl undies for a little bit because she's doing so good and seems ready but Kylie really didn't want to wear them and wanted her pull-up back on.

I was a little nervous how she would do at school today with keeping dry and telling her teachers she had to go potty but when I picked her up, her pull-up was dry and I knew she hadn't been changed. Of course, I forgot to ask the teachers if she went pee-pee on their minature potty but when I asked Kylie if she went, she said yes! I made her go potty when we got home and she went but not a whole lot to make me think she held it until she got home. Since she stayed dry while at school, she got a Cinderella notepad & stickers, her new obsession- Cinderella & stickers!

I can't believe how well she is doing and catching on to this whole potty thing but I am so proud of her! It's like a light bulb went on and she gets it now! It's funny because Marty started all this potty interest and now Kylie is doing better than Marty! Hopefully, Kylie keeps it up- you should see her potty chart now!

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