Monday, November 30, 2009

Pre-School update! [December]

We celebrate advent and Christmas- Jesus' Birthday!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son...."
John 3:16

This month their shape is a circle and their color is red. They will be incorporating those into art projects throughout the month. The school is having a Christmas program on Wednesday, December 16th at 11am. I'm so excited about Kylie's 1st school program! Then the school goes on winter break on December 23rd til the New Year.

Today, before I went to get Kylie from her room, I met with her lead teacher for a "Touch Points" meeting, kinda like a parent-teacher conference. Ms Brenda went over things they do at school and how they are teaching them things like: taking turns, sharing, cleaning up and putting everything back in it's place, and following directions. She asked me my concerns and I asked how she interacts with the other kids knowing how she is. And she said that they are working on that with her, as in sharing and waiting her turn. She wants all the toys to herself so they are working on that. And that's about it. She said Kylie is smart and is sweet at times.

I can't believe we are almost at the halfway point for the school year. And Kylie will be 3 years old in 6 months, I know it's going to fly by! She's getting so big- I look at her and can't believe how big she is.

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