Friday, November 13, 2009

Nor' Easter

We survived the Nor' Easter! It actually seemed like a Hurricane. We lost power last night around 6:30pm. I was hoping we would get it back sometime during the night but woke up to still no power. Jacob didn't have to go to work so we went to eat breakfast and found out that we probably wouldn't have power til at least Sunday. So we started making arrangements. We came back home and packed our bags and decided to go to my parents' house til we got power back. Kylie & I drove to Nicole's house so we could get ready for lunch with Grandma. We went to Red Robin for Haylee's 1st Birthday! While we were at Nicole's, Jacob called me and said we got power back at the house! After lunch, we came back home and Kylie took a nap. I ran some errands and we've been hanging out all afternoon/evening.

Here are some pictures I took today after the damage from the storm.....


When we went to get breakfast this tree was on the car in the driveway!

this is a field flooded with water [almost looks like a lake!]

these signs are almost in water!

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