Friday, June 12, 2009

yesterday was a little crazy. in the morning, i took the girls to the park then they went down for their nap around 11:30. my sister got here around 12:15 to stay with the girls while i drove all the way to suffolk to get jacob's brother & sister and meet jacob at their doctor appt. i dropped them off with jacob and drove home. i was almost home when jacob called me and said their appt was over already and i needed to come back to get the kids. so i got to the house and ended up bringing kylie with me to get the kids while nicole stayed with marty. when we all got back, nicole left and we waited for shay to get here so i could take the kids to the pool. at 4:30, shay called me and said she was running late and wouldn't be here for a while. i was pretty aggravated because she has pretty much been late all this week and this day, i really had to be somewhere! i knew we wouldn't get much time at the pool to begin with so to have to wait on her til after 5 was really annoying. once she got here, she kept apologizing, like she does every time. it's really getting old. if she doesn't plan on getting here til 5 then she needs to tell me and also pay me more. is she just taking advantage of me?! i don't know, and it's kinda uncomfortable for me to bring it up to her. once she finally left, we all headed to the pool! it was the 1st time i've been to our community pool and they have a good size kiddie pool. i brought some beach toys with us for kylie to play with and there were some kids in there that were a couple years older than kylie. she had a good time! jacob met us there about the time we were getting ready to leave. jacob drove the kids home and i fed kylie dinner then we went to target, where i spent way too much money! i got a new bathing suit! and a cute green dress, that i plan on wearing tomorrow night for our anniversary dinner date! i had to get kylie madagascar because i think we left hers [or actually my mom's] at my nana's house in IL! and i also got her some floaties and a life jacket thing she can swim with! those were just the big items.

this morning, i took the girls to Ocean Breeze, again with my friend & her daughter. and also nicole & haylee came too! haylee's 1st time in the water! before nicole [aka- my helper] got there, both marty & kylie had a meltdown while i was all by myself! ekkkkk marty is still afraid of being in the water and doesn't want to do anything, which i can't wait to tell her mom about! haha and she was freaking out about all the jet noise, which i don't understand considering she lives practacially right across from the base! CRAZY! i think she was really tired but she didn't stop whining the WHOLE time. then kylie wanted to go under this bridge and wanted me to hold her hand but marty wouldn't move so i couldn't go with her so kylie completely lost it. i was standing there among other mothers, while both kids were screaming! good times. we walked back to our chairs and got some water and calmed down. i tried to lay marty down, hoping she would take a nap but it didn't happen. and after that we got back in the water, and kylie was fine! marty was still whining off and on but not as bad. i definitely can't deal with that the whole summer! the girls took a 3 hour nap, which was really nice! let's hope shay can be here on time today!

tonight, i'm going with emily to a george strait concert. hopefully it doesn't rain. tomorrow, nicole and i are going out to my parents' house again to check on the dogs. i can't stay too long because jacob's mom is coming over to babysit kylie while we get massages done for our anniversary! then we're going to dinner! and sunday we are getting the kids and taking them to ocean breeze. should be a good weekend!

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