Friday, June 19, 2009

today, it was finally warm enough again to visit Ocean Breeze! once we got there, we were disappointed that the kiddie lazy river and the kiddie "big" slides were down. we got a really bad storm last night and it blew a lot of sand in there and made it pretty nasty so they had to totally drain all the water and pressure wash it clean. so of course, kylie was pretty bummed about that. the last time we were there she was doing that stuff all by herself! but she still enjoyed the other slides and did those about 10-20 times. such a big girl! the other little girls didn't want any part of it so i was totally proud of her, i certainly don't "baby" her and she has hardly any fear so it makes it pretty easy. and i give marty some credit because at least she didn't whine the whole time we were there and we gently forced her down some slides. hehe we ate a lunch on the picnic tables in the parking lot and then drove home for naptime! the girls took about a 2 1/2 hour nap and then we had a snack. shortly after, shay got here to pick up marty [a tad early] and that's always nice. when she got up from her nap, i noticed she was a little warm but wasn't sure if it was because maybe her room was warm or what. i went ahead and took her temp and it was 99.7. kylie & i just hung out on the couch. i was watching tv and she was lying down beside me. i saw her starting to dooze off and thought she was just about asleep when jacob walked in the door and woke her up. she stayed on the couch and waited for him to come see her, which usually she runs to the door to greet him. he sat with her for a little bit, read her a book and gave her kisses. he got up to change and i was on the phone with a friend. i came out of our bedroom, and kylie was knocked out! i couldn't believe it. she cannot sit still for anything and especially to fall asleep, and not in her bed. just crazy. about 15 minutes later i heard her moving so i came in the living room, picked her up and laid her in her bed. poor thing. i hope she's not getting sick and it's just exhaustion from being in the sun today. it's almost 6:30 and i should probably get her up soon or she won't go to bed til late [9pm is late & her bedtime is 7:30-8pm].

we are dog-sitting for nicole. she went to visit dave's family for the weekend. jacob is on his way to get the kids for the weekend. tomorrow, we are all going to the beach. it's going to be in the high 90's so we might not be there long. then tomorrow night, jacob's sister is staying with the kids so me, jacob & [maybe] kylie go to dinner for jacob's father's day. i guess kylie should go but as a very active 2 year old, it's not so easy. so we'll see how she's acting. on sunday, jacob is taking john fishing in the morning. and later jacob's sister is bringing their dad over to go fishing for a little bit. i'm going to meet up with my mom and dad, hopefully for a late lunch and to see my daddy on father's day before he has to go to work.

that's about it. it's gonna be a busy weekend, like usual.

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