Tuesday, June 16, 2009

saturday.... nicole and i went out to my parents' house to check on the dogs. we hung out there for a couple of hours and then we left. kylie took a nap when we got home, and i mowed the grass, took a shower and got ready for our massages! jacob's mom came over and stayed with kylie. after our massages we went to dinner at blue pete's in pungo, which was SUPER good! we had a really nice anniversary dinner.

sunday.... jacob got up early and drove out to suffolk to get the kids so we could take them to Ocean Breeze. we had a good time and kylie was all over the place, going up and down the slides, all by herself like a big girl! we ate lunch there and left around 2 and kylie took a nap when we got home. i took carolanne to get her hair cut and then we started cleaning out of the office! we had SO much crap in there that had piled up over the years and it took us hours to get it completely cleaned out. jacob's sister came over and helped us. i was amazed but kylie slept the whole time, for 4 hours! she was so tired after a long day at OB. and that really helped us out so she was getting in the way. we got a bunk bed off craigs list that has a futon on the bottom and a twin bed on the top. and a friend is giving us their desk. we were all pretty pooped after hours of going through all the office crap. we got some KFC for dinner and chilled out on the couch. since my house was a complete wreck and i was so overwhelmed with everything going on, i called shay to see if she could keep marty home on monday. i just couldn't get everything done before then. thankfully, she was very understanding and said she would keep marty.

monday.... i got up around 8am and kylie was still asleep so i started cleaning the floors. she finally woke up around 8:45am. i tried to do a little more around the house and got ready to leave for the day. my parents just got back from an 8-day cruise so we made plans to go over to their house so they could see the girls. we got there close to 11am. mom gave us all of our souveniers and then we went to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. kylie fell asleep in the car on the way back and took an hour nap then i woke her up at 5pm so we could go home. when jacob got home from work, i went to the grocery store and then jacob's sister and cousin came over and we sat on the deck talking.

today.... marty got here a little later than usual and shay filled me in on marty's crankiness. she said she'll be back to pick her up a little early so that will be nice. i really need to clean my room! marty felt a little warm when i laid her down for a nap, and threw a fit when i tried to take her temp [under the arm], wow. so if she's still feeling warm when she wakes up, i'll call shay. can't do much in the water outside since it's 70 and cloudy. maybe we'll go to the park later.

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