Friday, June 26, 2009

so.... we were getting ready to leave for the kenny chesney concert last night and our AC stopped working! for the last week or so it was making a hissing sound so we knew something was right with it. Jacob has a friend that works for a heating/cooling company so he called him and he came to look at it after we were already gone. he said the motor needs to be replaced so hopefully that's it and we don't need a whole new system because that could run us thousands of dollars. jacob just needs to get the part and then the guy can come, hopefully, fix it. in the meantime it's been HOT in the house. last night wasn't too bad but as the morning progressed, the house started to warm up and currently it's 82 degrees in the house! i took the girls to ocean breeze this morning and we got home around 1pm then the girls laid down for their naps. once marty wakes up, shay wants me to call her so she can come get marty. i'm super excited about that since it is so hot- i want to get out of here! i'm going to meet my mom & dad for dinner and stay with them tonight and hopefully the AC will be fixed tomorrow.

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