Monday, June 8, 2009

since we've been back....

i called shay the night we got home around 8:30pm and she told me that since we had gotten home so late that she would go ahead and keep marty because she knew we were tired and needed to unpack and all that. i was REALLY relieved and got a lot done. and it was really nice, it just being me and kylie, like the good ole' days. and then i ended up not having marty for the rest of the week, which was really nice! of course, it was cool one day and raining the next so we couldn't enjoy the outdoors as much as i had hoped. but i did get our pool passes to our local pool and i can't wait to take the girls. they have a good size kiddie pool that is gated so i can enjoy hanging out around the pool. we'll be there at least once a week, if not more. i just hope it doesn't get too crowded once school is out.

saturday, jacob, kylie and i had some breakfast at panera. then we ran errands and took kylie to the aquarium. once we got home, kylie laid down for a nap and i mowed the grass while jacob weed-wacked behind me. then jacob left to go get his little brother because he was staying the night so they could get up early the next day to go fishing. we just hung out the rest of the day.

sunday, the guys went fishing and kylie & i went to church. we hadn't been in over a month because there was just so much going on. after church, we came home and kylie took a nap as did i. jacob got home after taking his brother home and also took a nap. we got kylie up at 3:30 and ready to take her to Ocean Breeze! at first, she was not happy and did not want to get in her bathing suit but once we got there, it was another story! jacob walked around with her while i snapped pictures and relaxed. he took her in the big wave pool which she really liked! we only stayed for a little bit because it wasn't really hot and kylie was starting to shiver but we had a nice time. when we got home, we got ready to go to a friend's house for a cookout but ended up not going because the food was going to be ready a lot later than kylie could be up for so jacob went ahead and went alone [he was going to watch a game too] and kylie & i hung out. after she went to bed, i got busy cleaning the house and getting things back in order.

today, marty was back. kylie really missed her and when marty & i went in to wake her up this morning, kylie says "hi meme, hi meme" with a big smile on her face. but then like 5 minutes later they were screaming at each other over a toy. kids. around 10am and after their morning snack, we went to the park. by then, it was already 80 and getting warm. we stayed for about 30 minutes then it was time to go back home and take a nap. while they were napping, i set up kylie's new pool! that took forever to blow up, but thank goodness for electric air pumps! kylie was so excited to see it when she got up from her nap! shay is getting here at 4 today so i can take kylie to nicole's and get to my dentist appt by 5. got some nasty fillings to be done. boooo! then hopefully by the time i get back home, jacob will be home and we can grill some hamburgers!

tomorrow, nicole and i [and all the girls] are going out to my mom's house in the morning. we need to check out the dogs and make sure the house is still in order. i think it's going to rain tomorrow so that kinda sucks that we can't play outside. then on wednesday, if it's nice, i'll probably take the girls to the pool! we'll see.

last night, jacob got a call from his little sister, carolanne saying her dad wasn't making sense and talking crazy. so jacob had to leave his friend's house and drive all the way to suffolk to see what was going on. jacob figured his dad probably took too much pain medication. then jacob left and went back over to his friend's house. a lot of crap is going on with his dad that isn't fair to the kids so jacob told him today how it is and that he better shape up or he's not going to be happy for the last months of his life. he's taking advantage of his kids, all the way around! and the younger ones shouldn't have to deal with this crap, especially since the only family they have left is their dad and he doesn't have much more to live. it's just real sad.

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