Monday, June 22, 2009

weekend update

we had a busy weekend. friday night, jacob went to get the kids and bring them here to stay the weekend. saturday, jacob got up early and took john fishing for a little bit. kylie and i ate breakfast at Panera and jacob was home around 9 and i left around 9:30 and went to the bank and had a hair appt at 10. i got highlights and a haircut done. when i got back, i laid kylie down for a nap. once she woke up me, kylie & carolanne met jacob's sister and cousin and her kids down at the beach. it was really windy and the water was rough so we didn't stay long in the water and left about an hour of being there. i tried to get kylie to take a nap when we got home but she didn't want to. then jacob and i got ready to go to dinner while jacob's sister and cousin came over to stay with the kids & kylie. jacob wanted to try out this new steakhouse, called Texas Roadhouse. the food was ok, jacob had to send his steak back because it was cooked too well. when we got home, we put kylie to bed and hung out on the deck.

sunday.... jacob's sister got here with her dad around 9am so he could go fishing with jacob & john. when they left, the girls went to get breakfast. when we got back, kylie laid down for a nap. and nicole & carolanne went to Ocean Breeze. the guys got back from fishing about 2 hours later and john wanted to go to Ocean Breeze too so jacob dropped him off there. while they were gone, i got kylie up and got her ready and we left for my parents' house. we ate lunch at ruby tuesdays and gave my dad his cards and we got him gift cards to Bass Pro Shop. when we got back, kylie played for a little bit and i left my mom's house a little after 5. by the time, i got home jacob's sister, dad and carolanne had already left. we made dinner and i cleaned the house up after kylie went to bed.

john is staying with us this week. it's a little stressful, especially when the girls are napping and i want to relax and watch my shows and i have no where to go. and our house is so small that, i feel like everyone is on top of each other, there's just no room! he also runs in and out of the house all day and slams the doors. next week, he starts summer school so he'll be staying home for at least a month but probably coming over on the weekends.

we didn't do a whole lot today. i took the girls & john to the park in the morning, came home for snack and the girls took a long nap. after they ate their lunch, they got in their bathing suits and splashed around in the pool and water table. they ran around all over the yard and had a good time. shay actually got to my house by 4:15, which was pretty nice! i made dinner and when jacob got home from work, i went to the grocery store. then took a shower, put away some laundry and now relaxing.

i think tomorrow we are going to Ocean Breeze, if the weather permits. jacob's friend is starting to build a shed tomorrow. wondering how long that'll take. but once it's done jacob will have a place to put all his yard stuff, hunting gear and whatever else which will make more room in the garage.

time to watch jon&kate+8!!!!!!!

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