Wednesday, June 24, 2009

this morning, i took the girls to the park. it was already in the 80's and the sun was shining right on us. i called emily and she invited us over to play. we stayed for about a half hour before we had to go home, eat snack and lay down for naps. i woke the girls up around 12:10 to get ready to leave for lunch with my mom, my sister and haylee. we had lunch at boston market and the girls behaved fairly well. then nicole & i [and the girls] drove over to the big water fountain by Moe's, which kylie loves so much. we didn't stay there long because it was really hot and the girls' faces & arms were getting red. here are some pictures i took.....


looking SO grown!
something was funny!
marty & kylie.... SO cute!


then we went to target. i was looking for new sandals for kylie. her big ole' feet are outgrowing the ones she normally wears. but their shoe selection sucked, so i'll keep looking. i also got a couple food items, and.... possibly kylie's dress for nicole & dave's wedding in september! it matches the colors of their wedding but still not sure if it's fancy enough. we came home, had snack and waited for marty to get picked up.

last night, kylie had a really bad diaper rash so instead of putting another diaper back on, i put on her new elmo undies and she had them on for about an hour before it was time to go to bed and get a diaper back on. she didn't ever want to pee pee on the potty [i think maybe because of the rash] but at least she didn't go in her undies! that's a start!


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