Sunday, June 28, 2009

so since our AC was broke on friday and temperatures were rising thru the 80's in the house... i had to get out of there! thank goodness marty got picked up right after naptime [3:30]! and after she left, i got kylie up from her nap, packed our bags and headed out to meet mom & dad for dinner at cracker barrell. after our yummy dinner, we went to target and got a bunch of stuff.... i got a cute, short, black dress! then we made a quick stop at payless next door, and mom bought kylie & haylee a pair of white sandals. kylie got her foot measured and she's now a 7 1/2! she's got some big feet. we all drove back to mom & dad's house, where kylie and i were staying the night. kylie played for a little bit before going to bed. then we played ping pong on the wii, which was a lot of fun [for me & mom, anyways].

saturday, we got up around 8:30am, ate breakfast and eventually got ready for the day. we left the house around 11am. i drove home and mom drove to nicole's house. jacob ended up fixing our AC friday night so i was really happy! i laid kylie down for a nap and then left to meet mom, nicole & haylee at Chick-fil-a for lunch. then we went to the mall and looked at dresses for mom to wear for nicole's wedding. mom finally found one at dillards! and i got some cute shoes to go with my dress for the wedding, which i love! then i went to get a pedicure while mom & nicole looked at jewelry to go with mom's dress. we left the mall around 5. when i got home, jacob & kylie were already at our neighbor's house for a cookout. they also have a nice inground pool. kylie just wanted to sit on the steps and get in and out, and really didn't want to get all the way in the pool. we left around 8pm to put kylie down for bed.

sunday, we got up close to 9am, i went and got us breakfast and then we got ready to go to Ocean Breeze. we got there close to 10:30 and nicole & haylee came too. it was pretty cloudy, which made it a little chilly. and at one point it started sprinkling. we stayed a couple hours and left around 1 so we could eat lunch at home. john played outside with the boys in the court, going in and out of the backyard, fishing and who knows what else. jacob started taking things from the garage and putting it in the shed. jimi got the shed built and some of the roof but there is still more to do. jacob wants to set pilons in the deck and have the roof coming over it and make a tiki hut. and eventually have a whole cooking center with a grill, countertop, fridge, etc. i'm pretty excited about it and can't wait til it's finished. after that's done, it's time to work on the inside!

so jacob took john home around 5pm and kylie & i went to Moe's with emily, dan and rylee. jacob brought carolanne here so she could stay a couple of days. and now john starts summer school and has that monday- thursday and that ends at the end of july. tomorrow, jacob's sister finally has her interview with a high school here, and we are all praying she gets offerred a position so she can move here. after her interview, she's coming here and probably taking carolanne to ocean breeze.

that's about it......

Friday, June 26, 2009

so.... we were getting ready to leave for the kenny chesney concert last night and our AC stopped working! for the last week or so it was making a hissing sound so we knew something was right with it. Jacob has a friend that works for a heating/cooling company so he called him and he came to look at it after we were already gone. he said the motor needs to be replaced so hopefully that's it and we don't need a whole new system because that could run us thousands of dollars. jacob just needs to get the part and then the guy can come, hopefully, fix it. in the meantime it's been HOT in the house. last night wasn't too bad but as the morning progressed, the house started to warm up and currently it's 82 degrees in the house! i took the girls to ocean breeze this morning and we got home around 1pm then the girls laid down for their naps. once marty wakes up, shay wants me to call her so she can come get marty. i'm super excited about that since it is so hot- i want to get out of here! i'm going to meet my mom & dad for dinner and stay with them tonight and hopefully the AC will be fixed tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

this morning, i took the girls to the park. it was already in the 80's and the sun was shining right on us. i called emily and she invited us over to play. we stayed for about a half hour before we had to go home, eat snack and lay down for naps. i woke the girls up around 12:10 to get ready to leave for lunch with my mom, my sister and haylee. we had lunch at boston market and the girls behaved fairly well. then nicole & i [and the girls] drove over to the big water fountain by Moe's, which kylie loves so much. we didn't stay there long because it was really hot and the girls' faces & arms were getting red. here are some pictures i took.....


looking SO grown!
something was funny!
marty & kylie.... SO cute!


then we went to target. i was looking for new sandals for kylie. her big ole' feet are outgrowing the ones she normally wears. but their shoe selection sucked, so i'll keep looking. i also got a couple food items, and.... possibly kylie's dress for nicole & dave's wedding in september! it matches the colors of their wedding but still not sure if it's fancy enough. we came home, had snack and waited for marty to get picked up.

last night, kylie had a really bad diaper rash so instead of putting another diaper back on, i put on her new elmo undies and she had them on for about an hour before it was time to go to bed and get a diaper back on. she didn't ever want to pee pee on the potty [i think maybe because of the rash] but at least she didn't go in her undies! that's a start!


Monday, June 22, 2009

weekend update

we had a busy weekend. friday night, jacob went to get the kids and bring them here to stay the weekend. saturday, jacob got up early and took john fishing for a little bit. kylie and i ate breakfast at Panera and jacob was home around 9 and i left around 9:30 and went to the bank and had a hair appt at 10. i got highlights and a haircut done. when i got back, i laid kylie down for a nap. once she woke up me, kylie & carolanne met jacob's sister and cousin and her kids down at the beach. it was really windy and the water was rough so we didn't stay long in the water and left about an hour of being there. i tried to get kylie to take a nap when we got home but she didn't want to. then jacob and i got ready to go to dinner while jacob's sister and cousin came over to stay with the kids & kylie. jacob wanted to try out this new steakhouse, called Texas Roadhouse. the food was ok, jacob had to send his steak back because it was cooked too well. when we got home, we put kylie to bed and hung out on the deck.

sunday.... jacob's sister got here with her dad around 9am so he could go fishing with jacob & john. when they left, the girls went to get breakfast. when we got back, kylie laid down for a nap. and nicole & carolanne went to Ocean Breeze. the guys got back from fishing about 2 hours later and john wanted to go to Ocean Breeze too so jacob dropped him off there. while they were gone, i got kylie up and got her ready and we left for my parents' house. we ate lunch at ruby tuesdays and gave my dad his cards and we got him gift cards to Bass Pro Shop. when we got back, kylie played for a little bit and i left my mom's house a little after 5. by the time, i got home jacob's sister, dad and carolanne had already left. we made dinner and i cleaned the house up after kylie went to bed.

john is staying with us this week. it's a little stressful, especially when the girls are napping and i want to relax and watch my shows and i have no where to go. and our house is so small that, i feel like everyone is on top of each other, there's just no room! he also runs in and out of the house all day and slams the doors. next week, he starts summer school so he'll be staying home for at least a month but probably coming over on the weekends.

we didn't do a whole lot today. i took the girls & john to the park in the morning, came home for snack and the girls took a long nap. after they ate their lunch, they got in their bathing suits and splashed around in the pool and water table. they ran around all over the yard and had a good time. shay actually got to my house by 4:15, which was pretty nice! i made dinner and when jacob got home from work, i went to the grocery store. then took a shower, put away some laundry and now relaxing.

i think tomorrow we are going to Ocean Breeze, if the weather permits. jacob's friend is starting to build a shed tomorrow. wondering how long that'll take. but once it's done jacob will have a place to put all his yard stuff, hunting gear and whatever else which will make more room in the garage.

time to watch jon&kate+8!!!!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

today, it was finally warm enough again to visit Ocean Breeze! once we got there, we were disappointed that the kiddie lazy river and the kiddie "big" slides were down. we got a really bad storm last night and it blew a lot of sand in there and made it pretty nasty so they had to totally drain all the water and pressure wash it clean. so of course, kylie was pretty bummed about that. the last time we were there she was doing that stuff all by herself! but she still enjoyed the other slides and did those about 10-20 times. such a big girl! the other little girls didn't want any part of it so i was totally proud of her, i certainly don't "baby" her and she has hardly any fear so it makes it pretty easy. and i give marty some credit because at least she didn't whine the whole time we were there and we gently forced her down some slides. hehe we ate a lunch on the picnic tables in the parking lot and then drove home for naptime! the girls took about a 2 1/2 hour nap and then we had a snack. shortly after, shay got here to pick up marty [a tad early] and that's always nice. when she got up from her nap, i noticed she was a little warm but wasn't sure if it was because maybe her room was warm or what. i went ahead and took her temp and it was 99.7. kylie & i just hung out on the couch. i was watching tv and she was lying down beside me. i saw her starting to dooze off and thought she was just about asleep when jacob walked in the door and woke her up. she stayed on the couch and waited for him to come see her, which usually she runs to the door to greet him. he sat with her for a little bit, read her a book and gave her kisses. he got up to change and i was on the phone with a friend. i came out of our bedroom, and kylie was knocked out! i couldn't believe it. she cannot sit still for anything and especially to fall asleep, and not in her bed. just crazy. about 15 minutes later i heard her moving so i came in the living room, picked her up and laid her in her bed. poor thing. i hope she's not getting sick and it's just exhaustion from being in the sun today. it's almost 6:30 and i should probably get her up soon or she won't go to bed til late [9pm is late & her bedtime is 7:30-8pm].

we are dog-sitting for nicole. she went to visit dave's family for the weekend. jacob is on his way to get the kids for the weekend. tomorrow, we are all going to the beach. it's going to be in the high 90's so we might not be there long. then tomorrow night, jacob's sister is staying with the kids so me, jacob & [maybe] kylie go to dinner for jacob's father's day. i guess kylie should go but as a very active 2 year old, it's not so easy. so we'll see how she's acting. on sunday, jacob is taking john fishing in the morning. and later jacob's sister is bringing their dad over to go fishing for a little bit. i'm going to meet up with my mom and dad, hopefully for a late lunch and to see my daddy on father's day before he has to go to work.

that's about it. it's gonna be a busy weekend, like usual.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

saturday.... nicole and i went out to my parents' house to check on the dogs. we hung out there for a couple of hours and then we left. kylie took a nap when we got home, and i mowed the grass, took a shower and got ready for our massages! jacob's mom came over and stayed with kylie. after our massages we went to dinner at blue pete's in pungo, which was SUPER good! we had a really nice anniversary dinner.

sunday.... jacob got up early and drove out to suffolk to get the kids so we could take them to Ocean Breeze. we had a good time and kylie was all over the place, going up and down the slides, all by herself like a big girl! we ate lunch there and left around 2 and kylie took a nap when we got home. i took carolanne to get her hair cut and then we started cleaning out of the office! we had SO much crap in there that had piled up over the years and it took us hours to get it completely cleaned out. jacob's sister came over and helped us. i was amazed but kylie slept the whole time, for 4 hours! she was so tired after a long day at OB. and that really helped us out so she was getting in the way. we got a bunk bed off craigs list that has a futon on the bottom and a twin bed on the top. and a friend is giving us their desk. we were all pretty pooped after hours of going through all the office crap. we got some KFC for dinner and chilled out on the couch. since my house was a complete wreck and i was so overwhelmed with everything going on, i called shay to see if she could keep marty home on monday. i just couldn't get everything done before then. thankfully, she was very understanding and said she would keep marty.

monday.... i got up around 8am and kylie was still asleep so i started cleaning the floors. she finally woke up around 8:45am. i tried to do a little more around the house and got ready to leave for the day. my parents just got back from an 8-day cruise so we made plans to go over to their house so they could see the girls. we got there close to 11am. mom gave us all of our souveniers and then we went to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. kylie fell asleep in the car on the way back and took an hour nap then i woke her up at 5pm so we could go home. when jacob got home from work, i went to the grocery store and then jacob's sister and cousin came over and we sat on the deck talking.

today.... marty got here a little later than usual and shay filled me in on marty's crankiness. she said she'll be back to pick her up a little early so that will be nice. i really need to clean my room! marty felt a little warm when i laid her down for a nap, and threw a fit when i tried to take her temp [under the arm], wow. so if she's still feeling warm when she wakes up, i'll call shay. can't do much in the water outside since it's 70 and cloudy. maybe we'll go to the park later.

Friday, June 12, 2009

yesterday was a little crazy. in the morning, i took the girls to the park then they went down for their nap around 11:30. my sister got here around 12:15 to stay with the girls while i drove all the way to suffolk to get jacob's brother & sister and meet jacob at their doctor appt. i dropped them off with jacob and drove home. i was almost home when jacob called me and said their appt was over already and i needed to come back to get the kids. so i got to the house and ended up bringing kylie with me to get the kids while nicole stayed with marty. when we all got back, nicole left and we waited for shay to get here so i could take the kids to the pool. at 4:30, shay called me and said she was running late and wouldn't be here for a while. i was pretty aggravated because she has pretty much been late all this week and this day, i really had to be somewhere! i knew we wouldn't get much time at the pool to begin with so to have to wait on her til after 5 was really annoying. once she got here, she kept apologizing, like she does every time. it's really getting old. if she doesn't plan on getting here til 5 then she needs to tell me and also pay me more. is she just taking advantage of me?! i don't know, and it's kinda uncomfortable for me to bring it up to her. once she finally left, we all headed to the pool! it was the 1st time i've been to our community pool and they have a good size kiddie pool. i brought some beach toys with us for kylie to play with and there were some kids in there that were a couple years older than kylie. she had a good time! jacob met us there about the time we were getting ready to leave. jacob drove the kids home and i fed kylie dinner then we went to target, where i spent way too much money! i got a new bathing suit! and a cute green dress, that i plan on wearing tomorrow night for our anniversary dinner date! i had to get kylie madagascar because i think we left hers [or actually my mom's] at my nana's house in IL! and i also got her some floaties and a life jacket thing she can swim with! those were just the big items.

this morning, i took the girls to Ocean Breeze, again with my friend & her daughter. and also nicole & haylee came too! haylee's 1st time in the water! before nicole [aka- my helper] got there, both marty & kylie had a meltdown while i was all by myself! ekkkkk marty is still afraid of being in the water and doesn't want to do anything, which i can't wait to tell her mom about! haha and she was freaking out about all the jet noise, which i don't understand considering she lives practacially right across from the base! CRAZY! i think she was really tired but she didn't stop whining the WHOLE time. then kylie wanted to go under this bridge and wanted me to hold her hand but marty wouldn't move so i couldn't go with her so kylie completely lost it. i was standing there among other mothers, while both kids were screaming! good times. we walked back to our chairs and got some water and calmed down. i tried to lay marty down, hoping she would take a nap but it didn't happen. and after that we got back in the water, and kylie was fine! marty was still whining off and on but not as bad. i definitely can't deal with that the whole summer! the girls took a 3 hour nap, which was really nice! let's hope shay can be here on time today!

tonight, i'm going with emily to a george strait concert. hopefully it doesn't rain. tomorrow, nicole and i are going out to my parents' house again to check on the dogs. i can't stay too long because jacob's mom is coming over to babysit kylie while we get massages done for our anniversary! then we're going to dinner! and sunday we are getting the kids and taking them to ocean breeze. should be a good weekend!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


jacob's dad was released from the hospital around noon. he had Pneumonia and got a couple blood transfusions. so i ended up not having to get the kids afterall, much to my relief. and i know jacob is glad because he doesn't have to get up at 5:30am and i'm glad for him. jacob has been really busy making phone calls and arrangements regarding his dad's situation, all the way around. and also making decisions for the kids, his dad no longer has any say in what goes on with those kids. and really everything that involves his dad too, he's just been too careless, to say the least! so jacob's in charge!

ocean breeze today was fun. marty was a little hesitant on most things. but of course, kylie loved it [most everything]. it was marty's 1st time there so she just has to get used to it because we'll be there a lot. we left around 12 and ate lunch on a picnic table in the parking lot. once we got home, the girls went down and i catched up on my shows.

so we FINALLY sold our microwave that has been on & off craigs list for about 6 months. someone called jacob today and offerred him $75, a lot less than we were hoping to get considering it was still in the box and never been used with a stainless steel look. we didn't care, we just wanted it out of the garage.

monday night

as soon as jacob got home from work, his little brother called him saying their dad was acting weird still and not making any sense; talking in 3rd person, and such. so jacob called an ambulance and insisted they take him to the hospital to be evulated. then jacob had to drive all the way to his dad's house to pick up the kids. they went up to the hospital to see what was going on with their dad and got back here close to 11pm. the next morning, they got up at 5:30am so jacob could take them to school. when jacob got back, he talked to the DR at the hospital and they said his dad was bleeding internally and they aren't sure why and there were some other issues going on. and he would be getting a new cancer doctor [since the other one prescribed him MORE pain medication, which started all this] and he would have his 2nd dose of chemo while staying in the hospital [which will be done today]. they aren't sure how long he'll be in the hospital. so the kids will be staying with us, indefinitely. starting today, they have half days at school and their last day is on friday.

jacob's older sister will be here friday and will be here for about 2 months to help out, which will be really nice. the kids are sleeping on the couches because we have NO room! we really need to start cleaning out the office, it's a wreck. ughhhhh

today i am taking the girls to Ocean Breeze with a friend and her daughter! we'll stay a couple of hours, eat lunch, then come home so the girls can nap. once they wake up, we'll drive to suffolk to pick the kids up. and hopefully i can be back by 4:30 for shay can pick up marty. long day.

Monday, June 8, 2009

since we've been back....

i called shay the night we got home around 8:30pm and she told me that since we had gotten home so late that she would go ahead and keep marty because she knew we were tired and needed to unpack and all that. i was REALLY relieved and got a lot done. and it was really nice, it just being me and kylie, like the good ole' days. and then i ended up not having marty for the rest of the week, which was really nice! of course, it was cool one day and raining the next so we couldn't enjoy the outdoors as much as i had hoped. but i did get our pool passes to our local pool and i can't wait to take the girls. they have a good size kiddie pool that is gated so i can enjoy hanging out around the pool. we'll be there at least once a week, if not more. i just hope it doesn't get too crowded once school is out.

saturday, jacob, kylie and i had some breakfast at panera. then we ran errands and took kylie to the aquarium. once we got home, kylie laid down for a nap and i mowed the grass while jacob weed-wacked behind me. then jacob left to go get his little brother because he was staying the night so they could get up early the next day to go fishing. we just hung out the rest of the day.

sunday, the guys went fishing and kylie & i went to church. we hadn't been in over a month because there was just so much going on. after church, we came home and kylie took a nap as did i. jacob got home after taking his brother home and also took a nap. we got kylie up at 3:30 and ready to take her to Ocean Breeze! at first, she was not happy and did not want to get in her bathing suit but once we got there, it was another story! jacob walked around with her while i snapped pictures and relaxed. he took her in the big wave pool which she really liked! we only stayed for a little bit because it wasn't really hot and kylie was starting to shiver but we had a nice time. when we got home, we got ready to go to a friend's house for a cookout but ended up not going because the food was going to be ready a lot later than kylie could be up for so jacob went ahead and went alone [he was going to watch a game too] and kylie & i hung out. after she went to bed, i got busy cleaning the house and getting things back in order.

today, marty was back. kylie really missed her and when marty & i went in to wake her up this morning, kylie says "hi meme, hi meme" with a big smile on her face. but then like 5 minutes later they were screaming at each other over a toy. kids. around 10am and after their morning snack, we went to the park. by then, it was already 80 and getting warm. we stayed for about 30 minutes then it was time to go back home and take a nap. while they were napping, i set up kylie's new pool! that took forever to blow up, but thank goodness for electric air pumps! kylie was so excited to see it when she got up from her nap! shay is getting here at 4 today so i can take kylie to nicole's and get to my dentist appt by 5. got some nasty fillings to be done. boooo! then hopefully by the time i get back home, jacob will be home and we can grill some hamburgers!

tomorrow, nicole and i [and all the girls] are going out to my mom's house in the morning. we need to check out the dogs and make sure the house is still in order. i think it's going to rain tomorrow so that kinda sucks that we can't play outside. then on wednesday, if it's nice, i'll probably take the girls to the pool! we'll see.

last night, jacob got a call from his little sister, carolanne saying her dad wasn't making sense and talking crazy. so jacob had to leave his friend's house and drive all the way to suffolk to see what was going on. jacob figured his dad probably took too much pain medication. then jacob left and went back over to his friend's house. a lot of crap is going on with his dad that isn't fair to the kids so jacob told him today how it is and that he better shape up or he's not going to be happy for the last months of his life. he's taking advantage of his kids, all the way around! and the younger ones shouldn't have to deal with this crap, especially since the only family they have left is their dad and he doesn't have much more to live. it's just real sad.

we're home!

we had a really nice visit in IL. we went to the st louis zoo, even though it was raining off and on and pretty chilly. friday, my aunt tammy came over to watch kylie [& later lay her down for a nap] while me, nicole, haylee, terrisa and nana went shopping! we 1st went to kohls and terrisa got mostly haylee stuff there. then we went to target and terrisa got mostly kylie stuff there, which was SUPER nice of her! saturday, papa stayed with kylie while she was napping so me, nana and haylee could run to a different kohls and nana bought me and nicole some clothes. i got a casual dress, a black top and a black short sleeve blazer. about that time it was lunchtime and we were getting hungry but nicole didn't bring any food for haylee so we had to run back home to get some food for haylee then we had lunch at ruby tuesday. once we got back, we had to get everything ready to go visit my grandma. we picked my cousin up on our way and got there around 3:30. there's not much to do at my grandma's so we just sat around watching kylie's movies and watching her play. it was also pretty warm in her house because hasn't turned her AC on yet. around 5, we started dinner and ate shortly after. it was a good meal. around 6:30 my aunt terri got there and we visited for a little bit. my grandma got kylie a cake for her birthday so we gave her that and shortly after that, the girls were ready for bed so we had to leave. sunday, after kylie's nap we went to Splash City, their local waterpark. we picked up terrisa and later my cousin ashleigh and her boyfriend, ryan met us there. we all had a lot of fun. after a couple hours, kylie was starting to get cold so we decided it was time to leave. when we got home, we had to finish packing and get the girls baths. we had family stop in throughout the evening to tell us goodbye.

monday morning.... we were on the road by 8:30am. the first day back wasn't too bad, nothing too eventful and all in all we made it to the hotel in good time. after we got there i suggested we walk to Steak & Shake for dinner because it didn't seem to be too far but once we got going, we were got and there wasn't really a sidewalk but we walked anyways. then we decided to drive to Chick-fil-A so Kylie could play in the play area before it was time for bed. after we got there we were thinking we should of just ate there for dinner too! oh well. after CFA we went back to the hotel because Haylee was getting fussy for bedtime. we decided to put Kylie to bed first so she could get her screaming fit out and hopefully it wouldn't take long this time for her to fall asleep. in the meantime, nicole & haylee went back to CFA because i forgot Kylie's shoes there. she drove around for a while because haylee had fallen asleep and once i told her i thought kylie was asleep, she came back into the room and laid haylee down. shortly after we went to bed too since we couldn't watch TV or anything since the girls were sleeping. on the second day of traveling it was not so good! we got up late because the girls slept in until 8. which was nice for us but not good for our time. so we got up and ate some breakfast at the continential breakfast the hotel had. then we got gas and got on the road around 9:15. literally as soon as we got on the highway we saw smoke in the air. as we got closer we were hoping it wasn't on our side but as soon as we went over a hill we saw it was. our side was stopped. apparently a semi truck had blown a tire and lost control. his gas tank had detached and was on fire on a small bridge. the truck was no where in sight. we saw people running from the other side of the highway to the fire. it had JUST happened. someone had a fire extinquisher and put the fire out. no emergency crew were there yet. we were maybe 10 cars behind the whole thing. eventually the police and ambulance and fire trucks and road side crew and a bunch of other emergency vehicles showed up. everyone who was stopped on our side was out of their cars and walking around. we got the girls out of their carseats and let them stretch their legs. we heard from a UPS driver that was also stuck there about what had happened and that the driver had gotten out of it with just a broken arm so that was good since his truck had gone off the edge of the bridge. we were there from about 9:20 to 11:00 am. a LONG time sitting there! eventually they had checked the bridge and let us go! so we were 2 hours behind schedule when we just started. we then kept hitting construction parts all through West Virginia. we never thought we'd make it home and i don't think the girls did either. they were getting fussy and over the car. we finally got home around 8 pm.