Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Open House!

Before Open House...



In front of the school...

Today, Kylie had Open House at her school! Everyone met in the worship area and the director, Ms Susan went over some things first. Then we were all dismissed to go to our child's classroom. At first, Kylie was hesitate to go into her new classroom but eventually went inside following her friends. We meet her new teachers, Ms Michelle & Ms Tracy. We checked out all the different "centers" and Kylie was all over the place: coloring, playing with baby dolls, and building with blocks. Ms Tracy had Kylie and some other kids who were around to find their frog with their name on it and put it on the board. Ms Tracy said they would do that each circle time. She started helping the kids find their frog and I heard her say she didn't think they could recognize their names right now but guess who found her name all by herself?!!! KYLIE! She has recognized her name for a couple months now and when she sees the letters in her name on street signs or anywhere, she always points them out to me. She also found her name on the door of her classroom! She's SO smart!

putting her name on the log!


Colored Pencils! She asked me if she could use these b/c she's never used them before, I assume! :)


Rylee & Kylie playing blocks

her name on the door

The schedule!

Ms Susan rang a bell when it was time to go [because there was another group coming after us] so I had Kylie help clean-up and she started crying because she didn't want to leave. So that's a good sign! I explained to her she can come back next week and she will stay a lot longer and I will leave. Can't wait!

baby update


Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

16 weeks!!!

On Tuesday, I had my 16 week doctor appointment [a couple days early]! I gained 3lbs [yikes!], which is pretty good because at this stage, you're suppose to gain a pound a week. I'll probably have my big weight gain this month coming up [like I did with Kylie] so can't wait to get weighed at 20 weeks! NOT! I got to hear the baby's heartbeat and it was in the 140's and the doctor was able to find it right away, she put the doppler right on the baby! At this appointment, I had to get blood drawn that is used for a Triple Screening Test, which looks for down syndrome or other chromosome abnormalities . The test results should come back in a week but the doctor told me "no news is good news" so let's pray that's the case!

My next appointment is on Wednesday, September 29th @ 9:30am and I'll be 20 weeks. I'll have a routine ultrasound done first then have my appointment with the doctor.

Here is my baby bump at 16 weeks...


Monday, August 30, 2010

a day at the beach!

This past Saturday, we went to the beach for a couple hours. It wasn't super hot so that was nice but from the current Hurricanes further down the coast, the waves were pretty rough and we weren't really able to get in and actually swim. The lifeguards had their flags at RED! But that didn't stop Kylie from having fun!


she found a shell!


look at that big wave coming!

oh no, her shells!

she saved them!

she did pretty good!





Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kylie & Marty

The other day I took some pictures of Kylie & Marty to go into the photo album. Just wanted to share them.... They are SO cute!





Marty's last day! =(

Sadly, today is Marty's last day with us. Next week, she is starting at her school full-time. It's hard to believe that I've been watching her for TWO YEARS! I remember when I first started watching her she had just turned 1 and was barely walking! It was so neat watching her and Kylie grow together over the last two years. They have become such good friends [even though they didn't always get along] and I think they will really miss each other! On days, Marty didn't come over Kylie would ask about Marty and Marty's parents have told me she has done the same thing about Kylie.

I got a sweet card from Marty and her parents this morning, just saying Marty is going to miss us and thanking me for everything. I made a photo album for Marty that has pictures from when I started watching her up til now. It's so funny to see pictures from back then and when Kylie had NO hair [she's come a long way! Haha]! I also made Kylie one too with the same pictures, just for them to have to look back on to remember those times together! :)

Today we went to Ocean Breeze! We haven't gone there all summer with Marty so I wanted to take her there since it was her last day! Well Marty didn't really enjoy herself as much as I had hoped so I was kinda bummed out.



She did do a couple of things!




break time!

We are definitely going to miss Marty coming over to play with us! But we hope she enjoys her new school and we'll definitely be keeping in touch! Marty is also doing soccer and her dad is her coach so I'm sure we'll see her on game days.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I finally got an email from Kylie's soccer coach and it was the coach we really wanted, a Mom from Kylie's class last year!!! Unfortunately, her son isn't going to Kylie's school this year but at least she'll remember him and also his mom. At this time, she doesn't know any specifics regarding practices as she asked for everyone's input first- like days, times, etc.

Coach Shannon said the following.... "My focus is on having fun while learning the fundamental skills of soccer. I will focus on positive reinforcement, even if that means a ball went into the wrong goal. At this age we will be working on not using our hands, which direction we are going, and sportsmanship."

Tonight, we went to Target and got Kylie some shin guards & socks, a soccer ball [they'll need for practices and games] and black shorts [that I have to take back b/c they were too big]. At this age, they don't require cleats so she just has to wear tennis shoes. And she will get her team shirt at the first practice!

Here's our new soccer player. Ain't she cute?!!! :)

She wanted to put the soccer ball next to her!

SO cute!

Then I told her to hold the ball!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

last days with Marty....

Today was such a nice, cool day so we played outside for a little bit after lunch. Nicole & Haylee stopped by and hung out with us too.









sniff, sniff




she liked walking around with these floaties on!