Tuesday, May 12, 2009

monday 5.11.09

yesterday, we didn't do much as it was raining off and on and pretty chilly outside. marty's dad picked her up close to 5 [which is becoming a habit with her parents]. and it's a pretty stressful time of the day for me because i'm trying to figure out dinner and start cooking and kylie is real cranky but it's too late for a nap but she wants my attention. i think if marty got picked up when she's suppose to, we would have a chance to wind down before starting dinner. i probably should talk to shay about it but it's kinda an uncomfortable situation.

anywho.... i started making spaghetti for dinner. by the time dinner was ready, jacob was home and we were able to eat dinner together. i gave kylie some and she pretty much played with it and didn't try one bite. but from now on, she's going to start eating our dinner, instead of me making her own stuff in addition to our dinner. so she's gotta learn to like what i make or she doesn't eat. i know, i should have started this a long time ago but she's so picky it was hard. so wish me luck!

around 7pm, i left and went to trader joe's, a new all organic grocery store that just opened last week. i was pretty excited about it but was sadly disappointed when i got there and discovered it was a LOT smaller than i was expecting. i was expecting a full size, normal grocery store but it's about half of that. their wine & beer selection took up almost half of the store! and i really needed bananas and as soon as i walked in, heard someone say they were all out- of course! i got a couple of items then went to target to get diapers. i got home and started cleaning up and getting ready for bed.

we got some really bad news yesterday about jacob's dad. he found out he has cancer in his lungs, throat and lymph nodes. he is meeting the doctor today to find out what's next.

1 comment:

  1. you SHOULD talk to Shay about it, you aren't being compinsated for it at all and they're taking advantage of you. Same thing with her going surfing the other day!
