Wednesday, May 20, 2009

jacob took his dad to his doctors appointment with the cancer doctor yesterday and the outcome was not good, at all. the cancer is stage 4 in his lungs and possibly in his brain. the prognosis is 6 months to 2 years but he's going to try to fight it with chemo. his dad also has 14 year old twins, a boy and a girl who live with him in suffolk [the mom is not in the picture]. jacob's older sister plans on coming down here for the summer since she's a teacher living in Maryland to help out so that's good. she's looked into teaching postitions in virginia beach but right now they are laying off teachers and not hiring any, which means the other surrounding cities are flooded with applicants, which sucks! hopefully something will work out, at least she's able to make it down for the summer and help jacob out with his dad's doctors appointments. jacob can't afford to miss more work. no work= no pay.

yesterday, i got work done on my car- all new brake pads, which costs us almost $400. but you gotta have working brakes, especially when you are driving through the mountains, which we'll be doing this weekend! today, we are meeting my mom for lunch at the mall. it'll be nice to get out of the house. i'd like to go to old navy and see if they have some bermuda shorts i want, hopefully in the color and size i need. and they're on sale for $15. we'll see.

i can't believe tomorrow is thursday and even closer to the weekend. we have 4 days before we leave for IL and i need to start packing. saturday we are going to be so busy that we won't have hardly any time to do any packing but will have to finish it up that night. i'm so excited!

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