Saturday, May 9, 2009


i had a rough friday morning. the girls were at each other's throats and running around screaming like hyenas and getting into trouble and not listening so i was pretty crabby. naptime was peaceful and i got to catch up on shows and relax. once the girls got up from their long naps and ate their lunch, nicole and i took them to the beach! we went down to 60th street and got good parking. it was a nice day and kylie LOVED it! i took some pictures of her in her pink tutu. they didn't come out as well as i would have liked but she had fun. she loved playing in the water and in the sand. i can't wait to give her the beach toys i bought her for her birthday. she's gonna be a true beach baby!


marty, on the other hand, who i would have thought to love the beach b/c her parents are both surfers and are always at the beach but she cried and screamed the WHOLE time we were there and would not walk without me having to pull her by her arm. so that kinda ruined our fun day. she needs to get used to it, that's for sure!

once we got home, we enjoyed some popsicles and played outside in the water table and on the swing set. once shay got here, she stayed for a little bit so marty could play and left here close to 5. kylie & i stayed outside til jacob got home then we all got ready to get some dinner at Boardwok. after dinner, we drove down to Sandbridge. we drove around and looked at houses then parked and stood on the beach for a little bit. it was starting to cool down and it was quite breezy so we couldn't stay long. of course, kylie was not happy when it was time to go. when we got home, we put her to bed then hung out. my friend, christina came over for a couple hours. we caught up on a lot, i hadn't talked to her in months, that was nice.

this morning, i got to sleep in while jacob got up with kylie. we've just been hanging out. jacob just left to go get a motor for a new jon boat he wants. supposedly it was a good deal. kylie will go down for her nap shortly then when jacob gets home, i'm gonna mow the grass, take a shower then get ready for the day. mom and nicole are going with me to party city to order kylie's birthday party balloons and to get some decorations. then nicole and i are taking mom out to lunch for mother's day. not sure what else is going on today.

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