Friday, May 8, 2009


i'd like to start a blog so i can keep my family updated, daily, on things going on in our lives.

jacob has been busy with work, which is good but he doesn't get home til after 7pm most nights and sometimes he doesn't even get to see kylie. last night, he was busy spraying his cousin's house who was having issues with termites. then he went to a friend's house to spray his house for pest. then he finally came home and sprayed our house. he didn't get done til after 8pm and was beat. jacob has also been busy fixing up the yard. last weekend, he planted some new summer flowers and laid down new mulch. also he finished the new gate and did a great job. and jacob build kylie's new swing set! he bought a kit from home depot and then just got the wood to build it. kylie loves it!

i've been super busy getting things ready for kylie's 2nd birthday. her theme is a 2nd birthday cupcake party! i'm very excited but ready to get it over and done with. i still have some more stuff to do that hopefully i can get done this weekend.

kylie is getting funnier by the day! she dances all the time and says the cutest things. we are going on week 1 1/2 with no paci and kylie is doing really good. she cries here and there before she falls asleep but she did that sometimes before when she had her paci, she likes to fight sleep. she's getting her 2nd year molars so she's been lots of fun lately, ha ha! kylie loves being outside, playing on her swing set and splashing around in her water table. she could stay out there all day!

looking forward to the weekend, it's gonna be a busy one!

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