Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kylie's 2nd Birthday!

Kylie is 2!!!!!!!


unfortunately, kylie woke up with her arm [still] hurting from an incident that happened the day before. i didn't think it was broken but still wanted to get it checked out. so we took her to Patient 1st to have it looked at. first, we stopped at Panera to get her favorite- a bluberry muffin! at the doctors, she got x-rays done, which was not too much fun and then did a lot of waiting to see the DR, which just examed kylie's arm with no problems [no crying or whining from kylie] and the DR said she probably just sprained it and to give her some motrin for comfort and possibly try ice packs. but by the time we left, she started moving her arm more and by the end of the day was using her arm & hand just fine. shortly after we got home, kylie went down for her nap and i was grateful she actually fell asleep fairly quick and took about a 2 1/2 hour nap!

nicole came over around 11am and picked up the cupcakes for me and started helping me get things ready for the party. she made the cheese ball and some dip to go with some pretzels. she helped me decorate too. mom & dad picked up the balloons and got here around 12:30. mom brought a fruit bowl. we had to set up the party in the house because it was raining and did not let up the whole day. i was really sad that we couldn't have her party outside because kylie LOVES to be outside and jacob built her the swing set before the party and we got a bounce house from jacob's cousin so the kids could play in that. i was super bummed. i think overall the party went well, though.



kylie's party was a '2nd birthday cupcake' theme!



she got a lot of great gifts: money, pink tricycle, dresses, sand toys, outdoor sprinkler, playdoh, puzzles, books, ball, pink bean bag, baby doll with bottles & bowls, baby doll cradle, cupcake play set, and probably some stuff i forgot.


her pink tricycle from Grandpa & Grandma and Auntie Nic Nic, Dave & Haylee


we sang Happy Birthday to her and she got her very own special cupcake, that she wanted nothing to do with! she's so used to eating muffins that i don't think she's a fan of the icing so didn't eat any of it! and i think she'd rather play with all her new toys.


kylie sitting with her friends while they eat their cupcake!

rylee, kailyn, kylie and coleton


after all her friends had gone home, kylie was pretty strung out on sugar and was running around like a crazy little girl! the most hyper i've ever seen her but i guess that's ok since she was the birthday girl! she was in bed by 7pm and was passed out right away.

me and my birthday girl after the party....



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