Wednesday, May 29, 2013


My current employer had to stop working due to her "medical condition" so I started looking for another child to watch. I was hoping I could get Marty for the summer but her parents already made arrangements for her. I put an ad on Craig's List and got an email from a Navy Mom. The following week she and her daughter came over to meet us and so we could talk more.

They came over on Friday and stayed for about 40 minutes. Her daughter is 6, only a couple weeks younger than Kylie. She seems real sweet and kinda shy but I'm sure she'll warm up as she gets to know us. We talked while the girls played.

So it looks like she is going to start with us on Monday! She'll be here from 7am-4pm. Hopefully this works out for the summer and Kylie will enjoy having a playmate!

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