Monday, June 10, 2013

Kylie's Kindergarten Ceremony

This morning we attended Kylie's Kindergarten Ceremony at her school!

Brayden & Haylee waiting...

There she is... in the 2nd row behind the girl in the pink dress!

Kylie's teacher, Mrs Howell

Kylie & Grammie [Jacob's mom]

Kylie with her teachers, Mrs Howell & Mrs Gabriel

Kylie with flowers & balloon from Nic Nic, Uncle Dave & Haylee

Good Job Kylie!! We are SO proud of you!!! I can't believe you are already finished with Kindergarten and you are almost a FIRST grader!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Kylie! Grandma and grandpa are so proud of you. Love you.
