Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kylie's birthday party!

Kylie wanted her birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese again this year. Mainly because she had promised Haylee she could do the 'Ticket Blaster' with her since last year Kylie chose a friend from school to go with her. Well when we got there the host told me that either a parent could go with her or she could go by herself but not a friend. Kylie started crying and the host felt so bad and told us she would check with her manager to see if it was OK. They had just changed this rule a couple weeks ago. After a while the host came back to me and told me it was fine that Kylie take a friend with her and gave us 20 extra tokens for making Kylie cry. How sweet!

Now on to the party!

Kylie & Marty


Brayden had a blast and was not happy when he had to stop playing!

We matched! :) 

Sofia the 1st cake

Ticket Blaster with Haylee

Kailyn & Nicole

Haylee was so excited giving Kylie her gift, she may have been more excited than Kylie! It was so cute!

Love it!

Card from Haylee [and Nic Nic & Dave]. They also got her some books and there was one Kylie already had and right away she told Haylee she could have it because she already had it. They can be sweet sometimes! ;)

Kylie had a great 6th birthday! After the party she went home with her Grammie [Jacob's mom] to spend the night! We are praying it doesn't rain tomorrow so Jacob can put together our gift to her, that goes outside.

**My mom took some videos [& pictures] throughout the party if you look on her FB page**

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