Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today, Kylie had an early soccer game and we were so excited because we played Marty's team! Her dad is her coach and as soon as Marty got to the field and saw Kylie, she yelled "Kylie!" and they ran to each other and gave each other a big hug! Most of the game, they just ran around the field holding hands and not really even paying attention to the game. When Kylie's team did a quick huddle, Marty was right there! It was SO cute! They sure do miss each other! Anytime, one of them went on the field the other one would follow. Kylie did kick the ball a couple of times though. We should have put them on the same team and maybe Kylie would play more!

Here are two videos from today...

I missed that Kylie was actually kicking the ball but that's why we are cheering for her....

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