Thursday, October 14, 2010

riding in style!

So baby boy needed an infant car seat because the one I used for Kylie was 1. in a car accident [per Auntie Nic Nic] and had to be thrown away, and 2. because it was green & PINK! :) So I had been looking everywhere for a car seat I liked and was a reasonable price and finally found one I settled on that Grandma & Grandpa were going to get him! Then I started looking on Craigs List and really liked the Chicco brand style but they are $190 new! I found one that I really liked and contacted the seller and met her today to take a look at it. She told me she had washed the cover and canopy and it had fallen apart in the washer so she ordered a brand new cover and canopy- so it's in really good condition! AND she was only asking for $40! There are some minor scratches and marks throughout the handle and base but still is really nice. I already put it in the car to test it out and I don't even have to move my driver seat up any- Haha! But that means Jacob won't be able to move the seat back when he's driving. I brought it by mom's work and she'll keep it at her house til I clean out the guest room and start working on the baby's room. I can't wait to use it! :) Here is a picture of what it looks like....

The only thing different is the new insert is not lined in orange but brown.


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