Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Touch Point Conference

Today, I met with Kylie's teacher for a Fall Touch Point Conference. She pretty much said it was an opportunity for us to discuss any questions or concerns we had. My only concern about Kylie was how she behaves while she is there. I told her that she can be such a handful for me at home [she seemed surprised] and also, told her about how she is at Storytime at the library [doesn't want to participate and would rather be finding new books] so I was wondering how she is during their Circle Time- if she actually sits there and listens. And if she listens well to her teachers and shares with others. Her teacher said that she wasn't overly concerned with anything that she felt needed to be brought to my attention. She said Kylie has her moments [as well as all the kids] where she needs redirection or needs explained to her that she needs to wait her turn. She said that Kylie seems to enjoy all of their center times and really likes the sensory table and shaving cream was a favorite with her [& even suggested it for a stocking stuffer for Christmas]! She also said she will often see Kylie sitting down quietly looking at a book and that she likes to use their magnify glass to look at the Bible. She said Kylie can be very sweet and loving. And since the beginning of the school year up til now, she has already shown improvement and is right on track developmentally. She said she is very pleased with how well Kylie is doing.

Overall, a very good report from her teacher! So that was so glad to hear! :)

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