Wednesday, October 27, 2010

24 weeks!!!!

I can't believe I'm already 6 months!!! This last month sure has gone by fast and I assume the next couple of months will go by fast as well with the holidays and everything going on! I had my monthly doctor appointment yesterday [Wednesday]. I first had to do the glucose test. I had to drink an orange-soda type drink within 5 minutes then wait an hour. While I waited, I was seen by a nurse practitioner. I got weighed [gained 4lbs.] and my blood pressure taken, which was fine. I got some hospital paperwork that I need to fill out and mail to the hospital for delivery. Once the NP came in, she measured my tummy and said I was right on track then we listened to the baby's heartbeat. It was about 140 and the doctor could tell he had the hiccups, which he's had a lot of lately!

Everything looks good! My next appt. is the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 24th at 9:45am. I'll be 28 weeks and will receive the RhoGam shot since I have negative blood- fun! After this appointment, I will start to go every 2 weeks- can't believe I'm almost to that point already.

We still haven't started working on the baby's room but hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can get started. We first need to clear out everything in that room then we can start painting! Also, still don't have a name but hopefully once we get started on his room we'll finally decide on one! :)


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