Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pre-School update! [October]

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" Hebrews 13:8
We see that we change, seasons change, everything changes except for God!

This month's themes are Bears, Clouds, Dinosaurs, and Pumpkins for each week of the month. They will read books accordingly, in the sensory table they will use dry oatmeal [bears] and shaving cream [clouds], creating many art projects and also, baking bear biscuits and making "dirt cups" to eat!

A couple other highlights for this month are a Fall Touch Point Conference with Kylie's teacher on the 15th, Picture Day on the 20th and the Harvest Party on the 27th! Sounds like a lot of fun coming up!

Also the church where Kylie goes to school has weekly get-togethers on Wednesday evenings for kids, as well as adults. Kylie's teacher does the kids that are 3-5 years old and they focus on music and have a bible study. Well usually Kylie has soccer practice Wednesday nights at the same time as this thing at the church but last week it was raining so her practice was cancelled so I brought her to this. We can drop them off if we want and it's from 5:30-6:45pm. When I came back to get her, she started crying and didn't want to leave and cried all the way to the car! So if another soccer practice is cancelled or once the season is over, we'll be bringing her to this when she wants to go. :)

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