Sunday, April 28, 2013

Brayden 2 year check-up

On Thursday, Brayden finally had his 2 year check-up, only 2 months after he turned 2! 

He weighs 25 lbs 13oz [16th percentile] and he's 34.75  inches long [almost 50% percentile]. 
The doctor asked me a bunch of developmental questions about what Brayden could do. 

Two funny things Brayden said today that I don't want to forget...

We were in the car on our way home from the doctors and Brayden said "Done, I'm done pooping!"!! That's the first time I've heard him tell me anything about him pooping. I couldn't believe he said that.

Then later on we were in the car after lunch, and Nicole and I were talking. Brayden kept asking us where we were going. Nicole answered "home" and then Brayden yelled at Nicole "I was talking to Mommy!" Again, I couldn't believe he said all that. Even later that evening, he said it again to me when he was talking to Daddy! I don't even know where he heard that from!

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