Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome baby Grayson!

Kerri & I at her baby shower back in March that I co-hosted

My best friend, Kerri just gave birth to her 1st child, a beautiful baby boy- Grayson James late April 22nd at 11:06pm! He was 8lb 13oz and 21 inches long. So excited for Kerri to become a mother and to experience the joys of motherhood!

Such a beautiful baby!

Funny story... I went up to the hospital to see Kerri around 6pm and she was dilated 3cm [after being 2cm ALL day]. An hour later they checked her and she was 4cm. They checked her again at 10pm and she was 6cm and they told her to get some rest. I decided to go home since it was getting late and I figured it would still be a couple hours before she even started pushing and she was going to try and sleep some.

I got almost home and got a text from Kerri's husband saying she was 10cm and getting ready to push so I turned around and headed back to the hospital. I got there and probably 10 minutes later I hear a baby crying so I walk back towards the room and it kept getting louder til I got to the room and knew it was him! I ran back to the waiting room telling Kerri's family he was here! We had to wait another hour before seeing him and we visited with them for a little bit before heading home. We all couldn't believe how quick everything happened. It was so funny that when she got her night nurse [around 7pm] Kerri was telling her how she wanted to have the baby by midnight and the nurse was saying she didn't think that would happen. Kerri was determine to have him by midnight, she didn't want to be pregnant another day [she would have been 41 weeks today]! So glad I went back to the hospital even if  I got to bed at 1:30am!

Can't wait to see him [and Kerri] again this evening!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your BFF's baby boy! What a cutie. I've been so baby hungry lately and it feels like everyone is having babies and I love seeing those newborn faces.

    I hope she has a speedy recovery. :)
