Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kylie's report card

Today Kylie got her report card and she is doing great!

Her "grades" were as followed:

Oral Language- 3 [meets grade level expectations]
Responding to Literature- 4 [exceeds grade level expectations/ brought this up from a 3 from last quarter]
Written Communication- 3
Mathematics- 4 [brought this up from a 3 from last quarter]

She got 'S'/ Satisfactory in Music, Citizenship and Work Habits.

Some highlights her teacher included in the 'Comment' section are:

"Kylie worked hard this quarter and made tremendous growth in all subject areas. Kylie loves learning and is genuinely excited each time she masters a new skill. I am very proud of her."

We are so proud of her too! Her reward for getting a great report card, she chose freeze pops- ha! Can't believe she only has about 2 more months left of Kindergarten!! And she'll be 6 NEXT month [that's all she talks about]!

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