Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break: Day 4

Today was a special day because our friend, Marty came over to play. I also had Haylee so that is 4 kids total! :) Both girls were here by 7:30am and the girls wasted no time getting into everything.

They wanted to do some water painting so they did that even before eating breakfast! Photobucket
Once they were done, I made them sit down at the table to eat. And after they ate, they were ready to go outside at 8:30 in the morning! HA! They played outside for a little while then wanted a snack and then came inside to watch HOP in Kylie's room. [I was trying to keep them quiet while Brayden napped but he didn't nap very long.] They played in Kylie's room, the playroom and played outside some more.

I hadn't planned on going anywhere but the girls were getting restless so I decided to take them to a park so they could play there. A friend met me there with her kids.

[Kylie was upset I let Haylee sit in the back next to Marty]
[She was bouncing]


We came home to eat lunch then they played for a while. Haylee took a nap around 1:30 then the big girls went outside to play til about 2:15 then I had them have some rest/quiet time. I put Kylie in her room and had Marty lay on the couch with some books. She "read" for about 30 minutes then turned over and fell asleep! Why can't Kylie fall asleep like that?! Of course, she came out of her room like 5 times! I woke Marty up at 4 and let Kylie come out of her room so they could play for a little bit before Marty got picked up about 4:30.

It was a good and long day! I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday, this week went by so quick! And tomorrow we are going to the zoo!

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