Sunday, April 1, 2012

alone time

Brayden & I had a little bit of alone time while Sissy was taking a nap so I snapped some pictures of him. He's already 13 1/2 months old... and still not walking, and probably not even close. He doesn't stand alone, if he does it's for a second when he doesn't realize he's doing it. He does walk while holding onto both fingers [he won't do just 1] so I think it'll be a while before he's walking. It's so weird that he's not walking yet because Kylie was walking 2 weeks BEFORE her 1st birthday!

close-up Photobucket
He's starting to throw tantrums- fun! Photobucket

I can't believe Easter is a week away! It really has come up so quickly [which I feel like every holiday has since I had Brayden]! After Easter, starts Kylie's Spring Break. 

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