Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break: Day 2

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures today but here is what we did...

We left the house about 8:45am and took Kylie to the dentist. One of her top front teeth has been bothering her, especially when she eats certain foods. Last week, I had Jacob's cousin, Shellie [who's a dental assistant] look at them and she said it looked like she's grinding them and grinding the enamel away. So the dentist looked at them and said her front tooth either has been chipped or the grinding has done a toll on it and it's pretty much dead! So she wants to take the nerve out instead of pulling the tooth since that might effect her spacing and adult teeth. I just added her to my dental insurance, which will take effect May 1st. She will have to be numb for the procedure so that'll be fun! It was a quick visit and the kids weren't too bad.

We went back home and the girls had a snack, watched some cartoons and played outside while Brayden took a nap. We left again around 11:30 to meet Grandma for lunch! We went to Chick-fil-A and the girls played in the play area. Before we left, Grandma bought the girls a milkshake to share. 

Once we got back home, I laid Haylee down for a nap. Kylie, Brayden & I went outside for a little bit then came inside and played for a little bit before naptime for them. Kylie actually fell asleep and I eventually woke her up at 5:40! 

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