Wednesday, April 25, 2012


On Tuesday, I took Kylie to her elementary school, Three Oaks, where she will be attending Kindergarten this Fall! Every school in Virginia Beach was having this day to register for Kindergarten. It started at 9am and they gave us a bunch of paperwork to start filling out. We also had to bring in 2 proofs of residency, child's birth certificate & Social Security card, and their physical & immunization form [which I'll have filled out at her 5 year check-up in a couple weeks]. They separated the kids into groups and they went on a tour to see the Kindergarten classrooms and also to take a bus ride! I was wondering if we were going to go with them but we didn't, which only makes sense since they are going to have to be on their own once they start school! Kylie went to her group just fine!

While the kids were gone, we finished filling out paperwork and they had a couple people speaking and giving us info: principal, school nurse, PTA, etc. Then they had a couple different lines set up so we could turn in the paperwork and show them the things we had to bring in. I was 2nd in line then once I was done, I waited for Kylie to come back. Once the kids came back, they got to have a cookie & some milk [Kylie didn't drink her milk because it was cold- oy vey!] Once she was done, it was time to leave!
I ask Kylie if she's excited for Kindergarten and she always says she's going to miss her friends and teachers at her pre-school. :( They recommend that you bring them back to the school again over the summer so they get re-familiar with everything before the 1st day of school. Also, there is testing before school starts just to see what each child knows before starting Kindergarten then they are tested again once school starts to see if they qualify for all day Kindergarten [if they need more learning].

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