Thursday, April 26, 2012

art show

This week at Kylie's school they had their 1st art show! Today, we finally made it to school early so we could check it out. They had small breakfast foods and of course, Kylie ran over and got her some mini-muffins.

Before we left for school, we were talking about the art show and she mentioned something about her being born from a egg...

Her self portrait! Every month since September they have drawn a self portrait. I can't wait to see what Kylie's looked like then compared to now.
cute little flower pot!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


On Tuesday, I took Kylie to her elementary school, Three Oaks, where she will be attending Kindergarten this Fall! Every school in Virginia Beach was having this day to register for Kindergarten. It started at 9am and they gave us a bunch of paperwork to start filling out. We also had to bring in 2 proofs of residency, child's birth certificate & Social Security card, and their physical & immunization form [which I'll have filled out at her 5 year check-up in a couple weeks]. They separated the kids into groups and they went on a tour to see the Kindergarten classrooms and also to take a bus ride! I was wondering if we were going to go with them but we didn't, which only makes sense since they are going to have to be on their own once they start school! Kylie went to her group just fine!

While the kids were gone, we finished filling out paperwork and they had a couple people speaking and giving us info: principal, school nurse, PTA, etc. Then they had a couple different lines set up so we could turn in the paperwork and show them the things we had to bring in. I was 2nd in line then once I was done, I waited for Kylie to come back. Once the kids came back, they got to have a cookie & some milk [Kylie didn't drink her milk because it was cold- oy vey!] Once she was done, it was time to leave!
I ask Kylie if she's excited for Kindergarten and she always says she's going to miss her friends and teachers at her pre-school. :( They recommend that you bring them back to the school again over the summer so they get re-familiar with everything before the 1st day of school. Also, there is testing before school starts just to see what each child knows before starting Kindergarten then they are tested again once school starts to see if they qualify for all day Kindergarten [if they need more learning].

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kylie's 1st haircut!

Today I took Kylie to get her 1st haircut! She has mentioned to me before that she wanted to get her haircut for her birthday but I kept telling her it was already short and she didn't needed it cut. Well the more I thought about it, I figured it could use a trim since she's almost 5 and has never gotten it cut and maybe it would help manage it better, if that's even possible! :)

I took her to a kid's place for her 1st time! It's called 'Pigtails & Crewcuts'! She was so excited!

Before Photobucket
Time to get started... Photobucket
After! Photobucket
She got a pretty clip in it! Photobucket
Her 1st haircut certificate!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Brayden Payne

This sweet boy....

is finally showing interest in walking...

He went from having to hold on to both of your hands to walk to now only holding one...

And took about 2 steps on his own today as well as starting to stand alone more!
He's signing "more" :)

After I posted this, Jacob & I had him walk back and forth between us and he took a bunch more steps tonight! He get so excited and smiles so big after he does it! He'll be walking on his own very soon. I'll try to get some video of it. :)

Spring Break: Day 5

Today is our last day of Spring Break- yay! HAHA 

I took the kids to the Norfolk Zoo, along with a friend of mine and her kids and 2 kids she was babysitting.

Brayden, Kylie, Haylee, Emily, Shannon, Rylee & Adalynn [last 2 are Emily's kids]

Inside the Tiger's look out cave [Haylee was in the stroller]

Little otters- Haylee, Adalynn & Kylie


Kylie & Haylee on a rhino
and a butterfly...
Kylie on a turtle
Haylee on a turtle
petting a goat/ram

We had a really nice time! The weather was a little cool but warmed up quickly to the mid 60's. It was nice in the sun and a little cold in the shade. The kids were real good and enjoyed everything at the zoo!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break: Day 4

Today was a special day because our friend, Marty came over to play. I also had Haylee so that is 4 kids total! :) Both girls were here by 7:30am and the girls wasted no time getting into everything.

They wanted to do some water painting so they did that even before eating breakfast! Photobucket
Once they were done, I made them sit down at the table to eat. And after they ate, they were ready to go outside at 8:30 in the morning! HA! They played outside for a little while then wanted a snack and then came inside to watch HOP in Kylie's room. [I was trying to keep them quiet while Brayden napped but he didn't nap very long.] They played in Kylie's room, the playroom and played outside some more.

I hadn't planned on going anywhere but the girls were getting restless so I decided to take them to a park so they could play there. A friend met me there with her kids.

[Kylie was upset I let Haylee sit in the back next to Marty]
[She was bouncing]


We came home to eat lunch then they played for a while. Haylee took a nap around 1:30 then the big girls went outside to play til about 2:15 then I had them have some rest/quiet time. I put Kylie in her room and had Marty lay on the couch with some books. She "read" for about 30 minutes then turned over and fell asleep! Why can't Kylie fall asleep like that?! Of course, she came out of her room like 5 times! I woke Marty up at 4 and let Kylie come out of her room so they could play for a little bit before Marty got picked up about 4:30.

It was a good and long day! I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday, this week went by so quick! And tomorrow we are going to the zoo!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break: Day 3

Today, we were out the door a little before 9am and headed to the gym. Once we got back, I laid Brayden down for a nap and the girls had a snack and watched a Care Bear movie.

About 11:30 they were ready for lunch, so they ate at the picnic table in the playroom!
After lunch, I had them clean up the playroom so we could do an art project! I got new water paints so they each colored 2 Princess pictures! Photobucket
By then, it was about 1 so I let them go play outside [it's in the high 50's today] before taking naps. Photobucket

Which by the way, they all 3 took naps again today! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break: Day 2

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures today but here is what we did...

We left the house about 8:45am and took Kylie to the dentist. One of her top front teeth has been bothering her, especially when she eats certain foods. Last week, I had Jacob's cousin, Shellie [who's a dental assistant] look at them and she said it looked like she's grinding them and grinding the enamel away. So the dentist looked at them and said her front tooth either has been chipped or the grinding has done a toll on it and it's pretty much dead! So she wants to take the nerve out instead of pulling the tooth since that might effect her spacing and adult teeth. I just added her to my dental insurance, which will take effect May 1st. She will have to be numb for the procedure so that'll be fun! It was a quick visit and the kids weren't too bad.

We went back home and the girls had a snack, watched some cartoons and played outside while Brayden took a nap. We left again around 11:30 to meet Grandma for lunch! We went to Chick-fil-A and the girls played in the play area. Before we left, Grandma bought the girls a milkshake to share. 

Once we got back home, I laid Haylee down for a nap. Kylie, Brayden & I went outside for a little bit then came inside and played for a little bit before naptime for them. Kylie actually fell asleep and I eventually woke her up at 5:40! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break: Day 1

I have Haylee this week and we had a great first day to our Spring Break, it really helped that it was such a pretty day outside!

They played outside for a little while around 8am. Then we got ready and went to the gym.

When we got back home, they continued to play outside and even ate lunch out there.

Then we got back in the car and met some friends at the park. We played there for a little while then we all went to get ice cream at Menchie's!
Once we got back home, I laid Haylee & Brayden down for naps. Kylie played for a little bit before having rest time in her room, which lasted not even 30 minutes.

Nicole came to get Haylee around 4 and the girls played out front, riding Kylie's bike and playing in dirt- HA!