Friday, August 5, 2011

Interview with Kylie

I saw Nicole did this with Haylee, I thought it was a good idea so I did it with Kylie! She was pretty excited and when I was done, she told me to keep asking her more questions. HAHA

What is your name? Kylie

How old are you? 4

What is your favorite color? purple & pink

Who is your best friend? Mommy

What is your favorite animal? giraffe

What do you want to be when you grow-up? Mommy

What is your favorite Movie? Tinkerbell

What is your favorite book? Disney Princess

What makes you happy? being good

What makes you sad? when I get spanks on my butt

What is your favorite food to eat? corn [on the cob]

What is your favorite song to sing? Jesus Loves Me

What games do you like to play? playing ball, hide & seek, freeze-tag

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