Monday, August 15, 2011

Brayden: 6 months!

Brayden is 6 months old!

Here is what he has been up to...
wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month onesies, shirts, outfits, sleepers and 3 month shorts [his waist is so tiny]

his feeding schedule goes like this: breakfast- 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ bananas, lunch- container of veggies, dinner- container of veggies & 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ bananas. I add rice cereal to his veggies for extra calories and to thicken it a little. He tried Apples tonight [his 1st fruit]!

yummy Spinach!
he gets breastmilk during the day and a bottle of formula before bed [for extra calories]
he sleeps about 10-11 hours at night, 8pm-6/7am and takes about 3 naps during the day

reaches for Mommy's face or hair

always has his hands or feet in his mouth
as soon as I put him on his belly he rolls right over onto his back

he's such a wiggle worm, he still would rather be standing than sitting down
squeals really loud and smiles a lot
kicks his feet a lot when he's excited; when he sees his food coming, he sees me walking towards him or during a bath
has started "fake" coughing to get my attention [how do they know to do this??!!]

laughs a lot more, when being tickled
starting to sit supported a little better and sits unsupported for a couple seconds with his hands in between his legs
when he sees Kylie, big sister, he smiles real big and just watches her ever move

I canNOT believe Brayden is 6 months old!!!! It makes me sad to see my baby getting older and I know the next 6 months will fly by and he'll be a year old! :( I wish the baby stage was a tad longer [as I'm sure all Moms do]! ;) The good thing that is nice is he's so tiny so it kinda makes me feel like he's still a little younger. I know he won't be sitting up on his own or crawling for a couple more months so that kinda helps too. HA!
so long!
I couldn't wait to take him to the doctor and see how much he weighs. I was hoping he had gained 1 lb or more since last month. He weighs 13lb 12 oz and 26 inches long!





**I will post his 6 month pictures hopefully soon!!! :)

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