Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

all ready!

The red sky the night before [Friday]

We woke up Saturday morning to pouring rain and lots of wind!

I hurried up and took a shower anticipating the power to go out and about 30 minutes after I got out, the power went out! It was only 9:30am and the eye of the storm hadn't even hit yet! Kylie & I drove over to my friend, Emily's house who still had power. She only lives like 2 miles from us. I blow dried my hair and heated up my oatmeal while the kids played. While I was still there, Jacob texted me and said the power came back on. By then it was really starting to get nasty, heavier rain & winds so we came home. We just hung out watching out the back door and keeping our eye on the news and thank goodness we didn't loose power again. The eye of the storm hit us around 5-6pm but it didn't really seem that much worse. And the weather seemed to lift up before we went to bed. While we were sleeping, we did loose power twice, once around midnight then again around 2am but it came right back on.


There she is right over us!

Kylie put on makeup!


Jacob blowing away!

We let Kaysee out before it got really bad to go potty but she just stayed by the back door. So Jacob went out there with her and she ran off into the yard. Silly dog.





When he drinks his bottle, he puts his arms over his eyes.

The only damage we had was one of Jacob's big palm trees in the front yard fell backwards.

And also our neighbor's willow tree fell over into our front yard [who knows how long it'll be there]. Photobucket

Jacob was able to put the palm tree back up.

We were lucky and had no shingles or siding missing. The water in the back was blowing out so it did not flood our yard but still got pretty high. Today the winds have switched so now it's blowing in and there is some flooding in our neighbor's yard since their yard isn't as high as ours [we raised ours several inches years ago].

our neighbor's backyard



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