Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kylie's last day of school!

Today was Kylie's last day of school. The parents were asked to come back to the school at 11 and meet in the santcuary. The kids came in with their class and sang some songs they sing at their weekly Chapel.

Deep & Wide


Here are the videos of them singing...

**I'm not sure why she keeps yawning, she slept til 8am! HAHA

Then we went outside for a picnic! They had hotdogs, pasta salad, chips, watermelon and cookies.

Rylee & Kylie

Kylie with her wonderful teachers, Ms Tracy & Ms Michelle


Kylie's teacher told me that when they played outside Kylie was riding the tricycle and did it the best she's done yet! I told her teacher she had gotten a bike for her birthday so we had been practicing and she said Kylie told her! :)


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