Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kylie's 4 year old check-up

I took Kylie to the doctor today for her 4 year old check-up. She weighs 35.5lbs [50%] and is 40 3/4in. [75%]. She got her blood pressure taken [for the 1st time], which I assume is normal because the nurse/ doctor didn't say anything about it. Once we were in a room, I had to change Kylie into a gown. She wasn't too fond of it and kept asking when the doctor was coming in.


Once Dr Gillkin came in, she looked at the charts for her weight and height and told me the percentiles and saw she's long & lean! She went over a couple things, like: staying in a booster to at least the age of 8 [depending on her weight then], putting on sunscreen before going outside, wearing a helmet while riding a bike, going swimming with an adult and crossing the street with an adult.

Then the doctor examed Kylie, checked her over from head to toe. Then she asked Kylie a bunch of different questions, like: "If an elephant is big, a mouse is ?" or "When you are cold, what do you do?" [She said get a blanket], or "What do you do when you're hungry?", a couple more I can't think of. She got all of them right. She said she asked her questions from the 5 & 6 year old page as well that she got right. She also had Kylie draw a circle and lines on a piece of paper. She said she's very smart. Then she asked her one more question and said if she got it right she would be amazed, she asked her "What is a spoon made of?" and Kylie said glass! I thought that was a weird question to ask but the doctor said most kids say glass! HAHA

Then she had to get some shots. I told her after the doctor left that she had to get some shots and that it's going to hurt a little then she'll get some cute band-aids. I told her if she did really good we would go get her a treat afterwards. The nurse came in and Kylie laid down on the table and I held her hands. I was sure as soon as the first shot went in, she would start kicking her legs and we'd have to hold her down. But she did really good, she started crying but it wasn't a full bloody murder scream and she kept very still until we let her get up. She cried for a little while and said her legs hurt but we went to get her stickers from the special drawer and she was doing a lot better. :) She won't get anymore shots til she's 11! I had to stop at Wal-mart after we left the doctor so we got her some Princess stickers and some M&Ms.

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