Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Kylie sang this cute song to us at her Mother's Day Tea at school on Friday so when we got home I had her sing it again to share with all of you! She gave me a pin that she decorated with glitter, it's very pretty.

This was a special Mother's Day for me as it was my first Mother's day as Brayden's Mommy! :)

A couple of weeks ago I ordered my own gift but I still haven't gotten it yet so once I get it, I will share it. Also, Jacob let me join a gym that is very close to our house and that is a lot more expensive than the gym I used to go to! I'm so thankful he let me do this as I feel a lot more comfortable leaving Brayden there [this was one of the reasons for the switch, as well as it being so close to our house]. They have a closed off section just for infants so no big kids can get in there and they have tons of baby toys, swings and bouncy seats. Kylie & I took a tour of the gym a couple days ago and of course, Kylie loved it and cried as I dragged her out! I plan on joining next week, I'm too busy getting things ready for Kylie's birthday to even go this week.

We went to Jacob's Gomama's house to spend Mother's Day with his family for lunch. We had steak & chicken on the grill and we visited outside on the patio. We had a nice lunch and then the kids went for a boat ride.

Jacob's mom with her grandkids


getting ready to go on the boat


Kylie, Shellie [Jacob's cousin] and Mason


Then around 5:30, Brayden & I met Mom, Nicole and Haylee for dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. I left Kylie at home with Jacob because she's not a big fan of restuarants and it's just a lot easier on me. :) Jacob took her on the boat and they went fishing. We enjoyed a nice dinner and stayed a lot longer than we probably should have but we were enjoying each other's company. We even got free cupcakes for being Moms!




too cute!




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