Wednesday, September 16, 2009

school update!

September Theme-
God made us different- there is nobody just like me!
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"- Psalm 139:1

On Monday, Kylie did fine when I dropped her off. When I came back to get her, she started crying but.... b/c she wanted to stay and not go home! Then today, she was fine again. I don't think she was ready to come home today either but she didn't cry. It just took her a while to stop what she was doing and come to me.

Every time I say school, Kylie corrects me and says "church!". Today they had chapel and she has a sticker on her back that says "we learn & praise at chapel!". In her bookbag, there was a paper in the shape of an apple that she colored w/ an apple sticker on it. For her snack today, I gave her green grapes & goldfish. The goldfish were gone, and there were still grapes in the baggie. Imagine that! So I told her she would have to eat them with her lunch. And of course she gave them all to Marty! So once Kylie got down, and Marty was almost done with her lunch, except for her grapes. I made Kylie try one. I told her to just put it in your mouth and she almost spit it out and then I ate one and said how good they are. She went into the playroom and I was sure she would spit it out! But then she came to me and asked for MORE! So I gave her some more in a bowl. And then she asked for more, again! I said to her "I told you grapes were good!". =]

Here's the sticker on her back....


and the pretty apple she colored!

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