Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kylie's 1st Day of Preschool!

Today Kylie started her 1st day of preschool! Every time we mention school, she says "no school, church". Back when we signed Kylie up to start this fall, we attended a church service on a Sunday morning so maybe that's why she associates it with church and it looks like a church.


with her bookbag on!


ready for school!


at school!

walking with daddy into school....

before we went inside

Kylie went into her classroom just fine. She sat down at the table and started coloring. She gave me a kiss then Daddy and we said goodbye. We were standing outside the classroom when another little girl in Kylie's class ran out of the room after her Mom. Then Kylie ran out too and her teacher grabbed her and brought her back inside the room, which she did not like and starting crying. We went ahead and left, knowing she was in good hands.

I got back to the school around 11:55 and went inside to get Kylie from her classroom. Apparently there were already some other Mommys that had picked up their kids and Kylie got upset and started crying for Mommy. :( I walked in the classroom and she had the most pitiful face that I was almost getting teary eyed, thinking I'm a horrible Mommy for deserting my baby. I think just being the 1st day was a little hectic and was probably a little overwhelming for her. She was definitely ready to go home. Her teacher, Ms. Brenda said she played with yellow play-doh and otherwise had a good day!

Kylie & Mommy after school! [she was still a little upset]

Rylee & Kylie

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