Thursday, September 3, 2009

Open House!

we had open house at kylie's preschool this morning. she is attending Kids of Grace, a church preschool close to our house, on Mondays & Wednesdays from 9am-12pm. there are eight 2 year olds [6 girls & 2 boys] in her class with 2 teachers. in the classroom, there are different sections such as: a play kitchen, stairs w/ a slide, blocks & cars, and table & chairs where they eat snack and do art projects. they also have a big rug where they sit together for story time. the purpose of open house is for the kids to meet their teachers and to get acquainted with the classroom, and such.
standing outside the preschool

after everyone met in the sanctuary, we were all dismissed to our child's classroom. kylie was the 1st kid in there and right away sat down at the table to start coloring. she made herself at home and went around the room checking out everything.

playing cars with a boy....

looking at the playground [she's going to be asking her teachers the whole morning "go outside? go outside?"]

her cubby

name on the door....

she loves her school!

while we were there, kylie tried to climb up the changing table, stood on a chair and sat on the table. her teachers sure do have their hands full with my little girl!

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