Monday, September 21, 2009


On Saturday, I took Kylie to a trial gymnastics class, called 'Parent & Tot' for 18 month olds- 2 years old! It was an hour long; first there was stretching on the mat, then we went into different areas using the bar, such as: hanging from a bar & swinging, putting your hands on a bar on the floor & crawling up the wall with your legs [spider wall], and doing a flip over a bar [which was a little scary for some of the kids but Kylie did it a couple of times!] Then we did an obistical course- jumping onto platforms and onto big cushiony mats and jumping off, running, hoping thru hoops on the floor, etc. After that, we got to get on the big trampoline! Each kid had their own turn and had to try staying on the "X" as they jumped and fell on their butts. Then the class was over and Kylie got 4 stamps, one on each hand and one on each foot.

Overall, I think Kylie enjoyed it. She still needs to work on following directions and listening to the teacher/coach. Also she needs to work on waiting her turn. We aren't sure if we are going to sign her up now or wait til after the new year when things aren't so busy. And maybe by then, with being in school and all, she will learn how to listen better and to be more patient. I could sign her up for a month but I would have to pay a registration fee now and then again when we start her up again so we'd might as well just wait. Apparentely they don't let you take breaks!

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