Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Brayden: 15 months

I can't believe my baby boy is already 15 months old!!! In just 3 months, he'll be a year & half!!!

Today, I took Brayden to his 15 month check-up with his doctor. He weighs 20.6lbs and is 30.5 inches long. She seemed to be happy with his growth, it's slow going but definitely getting there. She checked him over and said his ears still look good even though I told her he's been pretty fussy but she thinks it's because of his molars, as do I. 

She noticed the warts on his back, which are really red and they get like that when they are about to come off. [Molluscum Contagiosum is a common viral infection that causes itchy little lumps or bumps, which look like warts, to appear on the skin. Anyone, at any age, can get it, but mainly eight out of ten cases affect children under 5. It’s caught when children come into direct contact with someone who is infected, or when they handle something (clothes, toys, towels etc) which someone with the condition has used. Molluscum Contagium isn’t serious and will usually get better without any treatment within a few weeks, but the condition can last for over a year.] Kylie also has these who she got from Marty, and they passed them on to Haylee as well as Brayden. Ughh Anyways... she thought it looked infected because of how red it was and the skin around it but I told her that's how it looks before scabbing over and going away. So she decided to push the pus out and take a culture of it to see if it is infected which would cause him to need an antibiotic. He was not a happy boy! She also told me to apply a warm compress to it twice a day- HA- like that's gonna happen. 

Since I haven't done a monthly update post since he was 12 months, I figured I would do it now.

So... here's what Brayden has been up to...

-wears size 4 diapers and 12 month shirts & PJs, 6-9 month shorts and size 4-5 shoes

-says: mama, dada, dog, ball, shoes, juice, hi, bath, ba-ba [bottle]

-he's walking a lot more but still not full-time, still crawls but is letting go lots on his own

-eats with a fork and drinks from a straw cup

-naps 1-2 times a day, depending on if we have time for him to get a morning nap. At night sleeps about 7pm-7am but it depends

-loves hearing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. It usually calms him down and he'll stop crying and sounds like he is singing it too

-he now has 9 teeth, 6 on top and 3 on bottom [including 3 molars]

-can say what a monkey says and knows where his belly & nose are [we're working on more]

-loves being outside and seeing the ducks on the water

-gives kisses when asked [usually] with his mouth wide open [always] :)

That's about all I can think of now but there's probably more! He's such a sweet boy and we love him to pieces! 

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